Preferred Roadway Alternatives
This room identifies the preferred alternatives selected by the project team to address existing gaps and deficiencies and future needs in the roadway system as well as alternatives that will facilitate improvements to the pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit systems.
Functional Classification
Functional classification designations align the design of a roadway with its intended function. Potential changes to the City's functional classifications are shown in the exhibit to the right and summarized below. Please click the link and use the comment box to provide feedback on the functional classification changes.
- Designate 4th Ave (Heceta Beach Rd to Joshua Ln) as a collector
- Designate 15th Street (US 101 to Spruce Street) as a collector
- Designate 30th Street (Oak Street to Spruce Street) as a collector
- Designate Quince Street (OR 126 to US 101) as a collector
Roadway Alternatives
The roadway system needs to balance the benefits of providing a well-connected grid system with the connectivity challenges in the city due to topographic and other natural constraints as well as existing development. The preferred roadway system alternatives are shown in the exhibit to the right. Please click the link and use the comment box to provide feedback on the alternatives, including the high priority alternatives shown below.
- R1: US 101 Refinement Plan - Complete a refinement plan from Munsel Lake Road to the Siuslaw River Bridge to evaluate the potential to reconfigure of the roadway with a 3-lane cross section
- R2: Bay Street Streetscape Plan - Complete a streetscape design plan from Kingwood Street to Nopal Street to evaluate the potential reconfiguration of the roadway
- R13: US 101/Munsel Lake Road - Reconfigure the intersection/modify the traffic control (e.g., traffic signal, roundabout) when warranted
- R17: US 101/OR 126 - Restripe the eastbound and southbound approaches to maximize the available storage
- R18: OR 126/Quince Street - Implement turning movement restrictions (right-in/right-out/left-in)
- R20: 9th Street/Kingwood Street - Reconfigure the intersection to all-way stop-control
- R21: 35th Street/Kingwood Street - Reconfigure the intersection to all-way stop-control
- R22: 35th Street/Oak Street - Reconfigure the intersection to all-way stop-control
Local Street Connectivity
Several local street connections were identified for the Florence TSP update. The local street connections are shown in the exhibit to the right. Please click the link and use the comment box to provide feedback on the local street connections.