Existing Conditions
Middleton Road is a critical piece of the transportation network in Canyon County as it provides the only north-south connection across the Boise River for 4 to 6 miles in either direction. This room provides a summary of the existing conditions on the corridor.
Currently, the corridor has one vehicle travel lane in each direction with two signalized intersections (SH 44 and US 20/26) as shown in the figure below. Sidewalks are limited along Middleton Road to the section within the City of Middleton and to the few areas along recently developed residential subdivisions. There are currently no dedicated bicycle facilities along most of Middleton Road. The Middleton Bike Path starts by the bridge over the Boise River and connects into Middleton. There are no transit routes operating along Middleton Road.
Most crashes along Middleton Road reportedly involved a single vehicle leaving the roadway.
The Linden Road and Ustick Road intersections have the highest number of reported crashes on the corridor. All-way stop control was implemented at the Ustick/Middleton intersection in 2006, and at the Linden/Middleton intersection in 2014 to address crash frequency.
Most intersections currently operate with moderate congestion (Average delay of 20 to 55 seconds for signalized intersections and average delay of 15 to 35 seconds for stop signs) or better and with sufficient capacity, except the Ustick/Middleton Road intersection (average delay greater than 50 seconds), which is planned for a roundabout around the year 2020.
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