Independence Transportation System Plan Update - Open House #3Virtual Workshop


A key transportation goal identified in the TSP update process is improving east-west and north-south connectivity.

Functional Classification

A street’s functional classification defines its role in the transportation system, including how much traffic it will serve and how it will be designed. Major arterials serve a high volume of traffic (often at higher speeds) with limited connections to other roadways. Minor arterials serve less traffic at lower speeds, and collectors connect major and minor arterials to local streets. To see the functional classification map and proposed changes, please click here.

New Major Street Connections

Several new major street connections are proposed to improve east-west and north-south connectivity and improve access to southwest Independence. The new connections include:

  • Mountain Fir Drive
  • Madrona Street
  • Gwinn Street
  • E Street
  • Chestnut Street
  • 13th Street/Collins Road

    To view the proposed major street connections and provide comments, please click here.

    New Local Street Connections

    In addition to the major street connections discussed above, proposed local street connections are shown here. Local street connectivity is important for providing access to destinations and to the rest of the transportation network.

    Freight and Farm Equipment Routes

    Freight and farm equipment routes are roadways designated to accommodate these larger vehicles and to ensure they can travel to and through the city. To see the proposed freight route, please click here.