Independence Transportation System Plan Update - Open House #3Virtual Workshop


Welcome to Online Open House #3 for the Independence Transportation System Plan Update (TSP)!
This Open House provides the opportunity for community members to review and share feedback on the preferred alternatives to address the gaps and deficiencies in the transportation system. Your feedback on the alternatives is vital.

Please visit each of the rooms and tell your friends and neighbors about the open house. The open house will be open until Monday, March 8th.

Open House Navigation

This Open House is organized around several key transportation goals that have been articulated by community members, advisory committee participants, and City staff and boards. These key goals guided the selection and prioritization of preferred alternatives and will be used to develop the list of projects, programs, and policies in the updated Independence TSP.

Each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) corresponds to a key goal, as outlined below:

  • Connectivity: Presents preferred alternatives for improving east-west and north-south connectivity through the city.

  • Key Connections: Presents alternatives to improve traffic flow at key intersections in the city.

  • Bicycle Infrastructure: Presents bicycle facility alternatives for major streets in the city.

  • Low-Stress Network: Presents preferred alternatives to establish a low-stress bicycle, pedestrian, and shared-use path and trail network.

  • Transit Access and Service: Presents preferred alternatives to improve access to transit and enhance transit service to and through the city.

  • Summary of Preferred Alternatives: Summarizes all preferred alternatives presented in Tech Memo #6.

    Additional Resources

    Tech Memo #6 presents the preferred transportation system alternatives to address the gaps and deficiencies identified by the existing and future conditions analysis. For further details about the selection and prioritization of the preferred alternatives, see Draft Tech Memo #6 or the project website.