Welcome to the Online Open House for the City of Ontario's Active Transportation Plan and East Idaho Avenue Refinement Area Plan!
The Ontario Active Transportation Plan Update will develop a comprehensive active transportation network that provides safe and comfortable mobility options. The East Idaho Avenue Refinement Area Plan will create multimodal connections between downtown and the East Idaho Avenue commercial area and enhance the streetscape on East Idaho Avenue. Together, these plans will create connections across the city, boost economic vibrancy, and support healthy lifestyles.
In each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about different design concepts relating to either the city's East Idaho Avenue Refinement Area Plan or the Active Transportation Plan.
- About the Project:This room describes the project, provides a schedule for when key milestones will be completed, and lists the expected project outcomes.
- East Idaho Avenue Refinement Area: This room displays a draft concept for East Idaho Avenue, with a focus on providing space for people walking and biking and enhancing the identity of the corridor.
- Updated Street Standards: This room describes proposed updates to the city's existing street standards from 2006 to incorporate best practices in roadway and bike lane design.
- Safe Routes to School: This room shows Ontario’s desired Safe Routes to School network and where there are sidewalk and crossing gaps in this network.
- Healthy Communities Impact Assessment: This room summarizes the findings of this project’s health impact assessment for Ontario.
- Next Steps: This room outlines what is still to come with this project and how you can stay involved.
Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before Friday, August 21st when the online open house will close.