Welcome to the second Virtual Open House for the City of Waldport Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update! In each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about the current activities to create a comprehensive transportation system plan for Waldport. Each room corresponds to a specific topic:
The Orange Room discusses the types of automobile improvements being considered in the TSP.
The Blue Room presents the types of bicycle facilities being considered in the TSP, including different types of bicycle lanes, bicycle crossings, and bicycle parking facilities.
The Green Room presents the types of pedestrian facilities being considered in the TSP, including sidewalks, paths, and crossings. Tell us where you want to see improvements!
The Pink Room discusses transit improvements, including bus services, bus stops, and park and ride lots, and asks your input on where and how these could be improved.
The Yellow Room discusses the six components of a Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) program and asks your input on how much you would support each component of an SRTS program.
We would like your input on what types of automobile, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities you want to see in your community. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before Monday, June 3, 2019, when the virtual open house closes.
About the Project
The City of Waldport is working with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to update its Transportation System Plan (TSP). This long-range planning document identifies the transportation facilities and service that are needed to support population and employment growth within the City over the next 20 years. The City wants and needs your input to make this process a success.
What is a TSP?
A TSP is a document that outlines ways to improve the transportation system over the next 20 years so that people can continue to safely and reliably get to work, school, shopping, and recreation. Projects, policies, and strategies in a TSP can include:
- Identifying needed transportation improvements;
- Modifying existing roads, or pedestrian and bicycle paths;
- Constructing new roads, or pedestrians and/or bicycle paths;
- Updating roadway design standards; and
- Identifying strategies to fund transportation projects and operations.
What area will the TSP cover?
This TSP update will cover the area within the City of Waldport urban growth bounday (UGB).
Get Started!
Click "Automobile Room" at the top of the page to get started with the workshop!