Welcome to the Virtual Workshop for the Coos County Area Transit (CCAT) District Transit Master Plan!
Coos County is planning for the future of the transit system in the urban and rural areas in order to best meet the needs of the community.
About the Virtual Workshop
Each room of this workshop includes an overview of proposed alternative routes for the existing routes and newly proposed routes.
Each room also includes questions for you! We need your input to create a successful Transit Master Plan for the whole community.
What’s In Each Virtual Workshop Room
Each "room" (the tabs at the top of this page) corresponds to specific considerations for alternative transit service routes.
- Project Overview: Learn about the plan and general information.
- Service Model Overview: Learn about the service model changes CCAT is considering
- Alternatives: Learn about proposed changes to the four local routes (Pirate Express, Bulldog Express, Crab Express and Weekend Express) with accommodation of deviation requests and about new routes (South County Route, Roseburg and Florence).
- Pink: Review proposed changes to routes and potential new routes by clicking on the pink tabs at the top of the page.
- Weigh In: Tell us your additional feedback on other ideas for the Transit Master Plan.
Provide Your Comments by August 3rd
Tell your friends and neighbors about the Virtual Workshop so we can hear from them before it closes on August 3, 2020.
What’s Next
The project team will compile feedback and release a summary in August. Check back at www.cooscountytransitmasterplan.com for more information.
Next, the project team will incorporate feedback and work with the Advisory Committee to develop a draft version of the plan.
Get Started!
Click the "Project Overview" tab at the top of the page to get started.