Pendleton I-84 IAMPs: Exit 207 and Exit 210Virtual Workshop

Concept Evaluation: 207

Concepts 1B (with Accessory 2) and Concept 3 were further evaluated with respect to future traffic operations, safety effects, and planning-level cost estimates. Refined concept drawings were also prepared that consider the area’s topography and the geometric and traffic control needs at the study intersections. These drawings and a summary table of the evaluation are provided in the exhibits on the right-hand side of the page.


Concept 1B Advantages:

  • Slightly outperforms Concept 3 on more evaluation criteria
  • Provides for long-term growth in the Eastern Oregon Regional Airport area
  • Provides spot improvements for walking and biking
  • Reduces crash potential in the study area; the expected safety benefit is greater than for Concept 3, including in reducing the potential for slide-offs on the I-84 Westbound on- and off-ramps
  • Improves access spacing by moving access to the northern businesses to the new backage road

Concept 1B Disadvantages:

  • Reconstructing the I-84 westbound ramp terminal would be difficult to implement while maintaining existing traffic flow
  • The Airport Road connection to US 30 may need to be closed while the new intersection is constructed, rerouting traffic to Barnhart Road
  • Construction of the backage road paralleling the north side of Highway 30 will require right-of-way acquisition
  • Constructing the roundabout at the US 30/Airport Road intersection may be difficult or more costly than currently estimated

Concept 3 Advantages:

  • Provides for long-term growth in the Airport area
  • Reduces crash potential in the study area
  • Provides spot improvement for walking and biking
  • Entire project could be constructed while maintaining existing traffic flow between I-84 and Airport Road
  • Improves access spacing by moving access to the northern businesses to the new backage road

Concept 3 Disadvantages:

  • Some restrictions may be necessary to construct this new alignment
  • Construction of the backage road paralleling the north side of Highway 30 will require right-of-way acquisition
  • The I-84 westbound off-ramp may not be able to be realigned far enough west to reduce the potential for slide-offs on the curve


In addition to the preliminary concept recommendations described above, the project team has developed preliminary access management plans for the Operations and Access Study Area (OASA). A summary of the Draft Access Management Plan is provided in the exhibits on the right-hand side of the page.

The plan aims to move access locations in the OASA towards ODOT’s access spacing standards through consolidation of driveways and relocation of public streets. Implementation of access management is anticipated to occur through the development and redevelopment of properties over time.

Once you are finished reviewing this information, please continue to the Purple Room: Proposed Concepts for Exit 207 to provide input that will be used to create the preferred alternative and Access/Land Use Management Plans.