Welcome to the 2nd Online Open House for the Cascades East Transit (CET) 2040 Transit Master Plan (TMP)!
Cascades East Transit (CET) is currently updating their regional transit master plan (TMP) for services throughout Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson counties and Warm Springs. The TMP is a long-range planning document that provides direction for enhancing the transit system over the next 20 years.
Based on what we heard during the previous phase of the project, we now have proposed transit improvements for each community we serve. We’d like you to weigh in on our proposed improvements and tell us your priorities for implementing them.
In each page (tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about different elements of the plan with a survey to provide input. The "Community Connector" page has routes and enhancements that impact multiple communities so visit that plus the cities you are interested in. You may visit each page or just the ones that interest you most. You do not have to complete the entire survey for us to receive your input.
Orange page gives you information about the plan itself, as well as general information to answer questions like “What is the purpose of a transit master plan?”.
Blue page presents the draft goals and objectives to ensure that the TMP and recommended services are in line with CET’s vision.
Gray page presents the transit service plan for the Community Connector routes that connect cities throughout our region.
Red page present the local transit service plans for the cities within Deschutes County.
Green page presents the local transit service plan for Crook County and its cities.
Purple page presents the transit service plan for Jefferson County and its cities.
Yellow page presents the transit service plan for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.
Teal page presents information about funding CET's funding and future funding needs.
White page presents next steps for the TMP and another opportunity to provide input.
Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them by the end of the day on Tuesday, March 3rd when the online open house will close. For more information on this project, please visit the project website: cettransitplan.com