Goals And Objectives
Updating a planning document like a transportation system plan requires that goals and objectives be developed to help guide the planning process. These goals and objectives will be used to help identify and prioritize transportation improvement projects to be included as part of the final transportation system plan.
The following summarizes the goals and objectives for this planning effort.
Goal 1: Communication, Collaboration, Coordination
Develop a transportation system that is consistent with the County’s adopted comprehensive plan and the adopted plans of state, regional, and neighboring jurisdictions.
Goal 2: Safety
Provide a transportation system that enhances the safety and security of all transportation modes.
Goal 3: Mobility
Optimize the performance of the transportation system for the efficient movement of people and goods.
Goal 4: Connectivity
Develop an interconnected, multimodal transportation network that connects all members of the community to destinations within and beyond the County.
Goal 5: Community and Economic Vitality
Provide a transportation system that supports existing industry, encourages economic development, and enhances the physical and social well-being of Josephine County residents.
Goal 6: Environmental Sustainability
Provide a sustainable transportation system through responsible stewardship of environmental resources.
Goal 7: Strategic Investment
Provide a sustainable transportation system through responsible stewardship of financial resources.
Goal 8: Land Use and Transportation Integration
Create a balanced built environment where desired existing and planned land uses are supported by an efficient multi-modal transportation system.