Welcome to Virtual Public Meeting #2 for the Josephine County Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update !
Josephine County is currently working with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to update its Transportation System Plan (TSP), which is a long-range planning document that guides the development of the transportation system over the next 20 years. We are in the final stages of the planning process and have prepared the draft TSP and implementing ordinances and identified potential code changes necessary to implement the TSP and ensure consistency with other state and local documents. The County would like your input on the policies, plans, and projects identified in the draft TSP to ensure they are consistent with your vision for the County’s transportation system.
The purpose of this open house is to solicit feedback on the draft TSP. In each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about current efforts to develop a comprehensive transportation system plan for Josephine County. Each room corresponds to a specific topic.
The Yellow Room gives you information about the plan itself, as well as general information to answer questions like “What is the purpose of transportation system plan?”.
The Green Room presents the goals and objectives to ensure that the TSP and recommended projects are in line with the County’s vision.
The Blue Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the Street Plan.
The Orange Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the Non-Motorized Plan.
The Purple Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the Public Transit Plan.
The Light Blue Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the Freight Plan.
The Light Yellow Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the TSM/TDM Plan.
The Peach Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the Rail Plan.
The Pink Room presents the policies, plans, and projects developed for the Air Plan.
The Grey Room presents another opportunity to provide input on the projects identified in each plan.
Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before Sunday, May 31st when the virtual public meeting will close.