Traffic Safety Alternatives
Traffic safety was identified as one of the top priorities for Curry County’s transportation system based on an evaluation of its crash history and feedback from the community. This room presents the preferred traffic safety alternatives for key roadways and intersections in the county on a systemic level and at specific locations. Traffic safety alternatives can be unique to other capital improvements in that multiple treatments can be applied in one location. Therefore, a single safety alternative may not be identified for each location, rather, several treatments are offered that can be implemented individually or together depending on feasibility and crash reduction goals. The treatments selected were assessed with the evaluation matrix and more cost-prohibitive alternatives were not advanced.
The exhibit to the right identifies locations selected for traffic safety improvements. Clicking the exhibit link will take you to a page to review the material and provide your input.
Guiding Questions
- Are there other roadways or intersections that need traffic safety improvements?
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the content?
Preferred Roadway Segment Alternatives
Over 75 percent of the reported crashes along roadway segments that had excessive crash rates were considered “roadway departure.” A roadway departure crash occurs after a vehicle crosses an edge line or a center line, or otherwise leaves the traveled way, such as head-on collisions, sideswipes, and run-off-the-road crashes. The following is a list of the preferred safety treatments from ODOT’s Crash Reduction Factor (CRF) list to help reduce roadway departure crashes in the county:
- Install Required Chevron Signs on Rural Horizontal Curves
- Provide Static Combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Curve Warning Sign
- Install Raised or Recessed Pavement Markers
- Install Edgeline Striping
- Install Centerline Rumble Strips
- Install Shoulder Rumble Strips
- Widen Shoulder by 3 Feet
- Upgrade Existing Markings to Wet-Reflective Pavement Markings
- Install Wider Edgelines