Welcome to Virtual Public Meeting #2 for the Curry County Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update!
This Virtual Public Meeting provides community members with an opportunity to share their feedback on transportation needs they see in Curry County and follow the progress of the ongoing TSP Update. Your feedback is vital because it will help us create a transportation system that meets the needs of everyone in the community.
In each "room" (or tab) located at the top of this page, you will find various information that will collectively support updating the County's TSP. This is where we need your input. The rooms include:
About the Project: provides general information on the project, including “What is a Transportation System Plan and why does it need to be updated?”
TSP Goals: presents the goals and objectives developed for the TSP Update to ensure that the plan and the recommended projects it will contain align with the vision of the County and the community.
Roadway Connections: presents projects related to enhancing roadway connectivity within the County.
Non-Motorized Alternatives: presents projects related to improving facilities for people walking and biking.
Traffic Safety Alternatives: presents projects related to improving motor vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle safety on Curry County roadways.
Priority Projects: summarizes the top-priority projects selected for Curry County.
Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before the Virtual Public Meeting ends on Friday, November 3rd.