About the Project
What is a Transportation System Plan?
A long-range plan that identifies the transportation facilities needed to support growth throughout the county over the next 20 years, including those that enable people to walk, bike, take transit, and drive. A TSP identifies:
- goals and policies for developing the transportation system over time,
- gaps and deficiencies in the existing transportation system relative to state and local standards,
- future needs to accommodate population and employment growth,
- alternatives to address the gaps, deficiencies, and needs consistent with state and local guidelines, and
- prioritized lists of transportation system improvements consistent with goals and policies of the County.
What are the practical reasons for having a TSP?
- It provides basis for the County's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
- It provides basis for System Development Charges (SDC).
- It provides basis for land development conditions of approval.
- It provides rationale for making investments and land use decisions.
- It ensures the planned transportation system will meet long-term needs.
- It protects right of way for needed improvements.
- It provides consistency between state, regional, and local planning.
- It provides a link to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and other funding sources.
Why does it need to be updated?
The current TSP was adopted in 2005. Since that time, the community's transportation needs have evolved and state and local policies and regulations have changed.