Transportation Funding and Implementation
Chapter 6 of the Draft TSP presents the funding and implementation plan for the County. The projects shown in the TSP are intended to provide the County with a flexible long-range plan. The Plan does not obligate the County to complete the projects shown but does show County support for the projects, which will help the County be more competitive for future potential grant opportunities. In total, the TSP and Opportunity Projects (excluding Visionary Projects, which are not anticipated within the next 20 years) are estimated to cost the County up to $11.860 million over the next 20 years for roadway, safety, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements. The "Summary of Project Costs" to the right shows the summary of the County contribution to Opportunity and TSP Projects.
It is important to note that the total project costs identified for implementation exclude any projects that may be outcomes of the US 97 Corridor Plan, including projects at County road intersections along US 97 and/or along the County roadways that would involve intersection control changes, movement restrictions, and changes in traffic patterns. Upon completion of the US 97 Corridor Plan, the TSP should be amended to incorporate the outcomes and updated cost estimates.
Transit funding comes through various channels. CET is primarily responsible for executing federal, state and discretionary funds. Jefferson County provides CET funding through the Special Transportation Fund and Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund.
The County has estimated a total 20-year revenue of approximately $9 million. This estimate equates to $450,000 in annual revenue. This results in a funding gap of approximately $3 million to complete the Opportunity and TSP projects. The gap is likely to increase when future outcomes of the US 97 Corridor Plan are incorporated.
Potential strategies for addressing the funding gap include:
Additional Grant Opportunities: ODOT offers multiple grant opportunities to support transportation projects. Some of these programs require a local match. Using local dollars as a match for a grant opportunity is a strategy to stretch local funding even further. The "Potential Grant Opportunities" to the right shows potential future funding sources from the federal and state level.
Public/Private Sponsorship Opportunities: Public/private sponsorships involve a private entity such as a local business owner working with the public agency to fund a project. In return for their investment in the community, these business owners often have recognition for their role, providing a marketing venue for their business.
Another form of public/private partnership to be considered is a communications/fiber partnership that would allow agencies to access dark fiber with private service providers.Local Taxes and User Fees: Many types of user fees and taxes may be collected to finance road construction and operations. The County and cities will need to develop local revenue sources to supplement or replace federal resources if it hopes to maintain current levels of service while also implementing multimodal enhancement and safety projects. Some of these local revenue sources could also be used to provide a local match to obtain greater federal or state funding, further stretching local dollars. The "Potential Local Revenue Sources" to the right shows potential future funding sources from the local level.