Multimodal System
This room provides an overview of Chapter 4 of the Draft TSP, which describes an overview of the coordinated set of multimodal policies, programs, and projects that will address the transportation needs within the rural and unincorporated areas of the County over the next 20 years. The next room, the Transportation Priorities and Projects, provides the details of these projects.
Although driving will continue to be a primary mode of travel in the County and the preservation and improvement of the existing roadway system will continue to remain important, the TSP is also intended to increase transportation choices, reduce reliance on the automobile by better accommodating and encouraging travel by foot and bike for short trips, improve safety for all transportation users, and provide for improved transit service.
The Road System
People driving, walking, biking, and taking transit all rely on the roadway network to access destinations locally within the County as well as regionally within Central Oregon. The identified roadway solutions address mobility, access, freight, and safety needs.
This chapter contains the County’s Functional Classification map (page 18 of the Draft TSP), which classifies roads based on their function. The classification informs the design of the roadway. Roadway Design Standards can be found on page 19 of the Draft TSP.
To provide cost-effective and flexible solutions over time, one recommendation is for the County to collaborate with ODOT to develop an ITS plan. This plan could include provision of variable message signs at key locations to inform drivers about roadway context changes, locations prone to changes in weather conditions due to elevations, locations prone to congestion, safety concerns, and locations with a lack of cell phone service.
The safety-based needs for the County are best addressed through county-wide education and enforcement programs along with systemic intersection and roadway treatments at specific locations. These treatments include:
- Roadway Treatments to Reduce Roadway Departure Crashes
- Roadway Treatments to Reduce Speed
- Safety Data Monitoring
- Safe Routes to School
- Enhanced Intersection Signing and Striping Options
Safety on the US 97 Corridor
The Draft TSP safety solutions on the US 97 corridor focus on those that can reduce crash risk without closing accesses or intersections, changing the existing traffic control, or modifying movements permitted at each intersection.
The TSP also recommends a focused corridor analysis of 20-year safety improvements on the section of US 97 south of the Madras UGB. This corridor study will be conducted following adoption of the TSP and will be guided by technical analyses and public engagement. Potential solutions will likely be higher in cost than the projects included in the TSP and could have broader impacts to existing accesses and change travel patterns on the County roadway system. Therefore, the Plan may identify improvements on the County road system to support highway changes. For more information see page 22 of the Draft TSP.
The Bicycle and Pedestrian System
In the rural areas, people walking and biking generally share the same roadside shoulders and/or shared-use paths. Facilities that are deficient for one user are usually deficient for the other, thus recommended improvements can benefit both users.
Suggested general policy and program considerations include:
Roadway Standards – Add shoulders on all new roadways when feasible to expand travel options; identify a bicycle network to help prioritize these locations
Monitoring System – Monitor walking and cycling activity to help to identify and prioritize locations with higher levels of walking and cycling activity.
- Safety Program- Collaborate with other agencies in a countywide bicycle and pedestrian safety program
- Maintenance – Prioritize maintenance on key cycling routes
- Intersection Safety – Identify intersections where changes are needed to enable adequate sight distance for pedestrians and bicyclists looking to cross the roadway
Transit System
The provision of high-quality, available, and reliable transit service fundamentally supports the environment, economic development, and equity for all travelers. Cascades East Transit (CET) will continue to provide public transportation services within and to/from Jefferson County. CET enhancements within the next twenty years could include:
- Additional service area coverage within the County via the Community Connector
- Provision of on-demand retail and medical shuttle service within and to/from the County
- Expansion of the existing Dial-A-Ride to add coverage to Crooked River Ranch, Metolius, and Culver
- Addition of a new transit stop in Crooked River Ranch
- Construction of transit hubs in Metolius and Culver