Welcome to the Virtual Workshop for the ODOT Transportation System Monitoring Field Technology Plan!
In each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about current efforts to develop the TSM Field Technology Plan. Each room corresponds to a specific topic.
- About the Project: This room describes the project, provides a schedule for when key milestones will be completed, and lists the project outcomes upon completion.
- Stakeholder Needs: This room will summarize available field technology platforms for short term, video, and continuous traffic count operations including motorized vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian counts.
- Traffic Counting Field Technology: This room will summarize opportunities to integrate with current Agency systems and external sources to obtain traffic count data .
- Traffic Data Integration Opportunities: This room will summarize opportunities to integrate with current Agency systems and external sources to obtain traffic count data (e.g. traffic signals, intelligent transportation systems, probe data, inter-agency data sharing, etc.) .
- Peer Interviews: This room will summarize current state of practice review and literature review of market, academic, and practitioners .
- Provide Your Comments: This room asks for your feedback on the topics covered in our all conducted interviews and evaluations.
Please provide comments by Monday, Month Day when the project is complete and the virtual workshop will close.