Redmond TSP UpdateVirtual Workshop


Welcome to the Virtual Workshop for the Redmond Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update!

The City of Redmond is currently in the process of updating its Transportation System Plan (TSP). This long-range planning document helps guide the City's transportation system investments over the next 20 years. We are asking for your help in providing feedback on the draft plan and its key projects, policies, and programs.

You can view the Draft TSP by clicking HERE

The Redmond TSP also incorporates key outcomes from the recently adopted Redmond South Corridor Plan as well as the Airport Master Plan. The South Corridor improvement concept can be reviewed HERE

In each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about the projects that will contribute toward a comprehensive transportation system for the City. Each room corresponds to a specific transportation mode. You can provide comments within each room on the information presented.

  • The Red Room gives you information about the plan itself, as well as general information to answer questions such as "What is the purpose of a transportation system plan?".

  • The Orange Room presents the draft projects that address existing and future gaps in the roadway system. These projects help improve overall system connectivity for all users.

  • The Yellow Room presents the draft projects developed to address existing and future changes at specific intersections. These projects address vehicular capacity and safety.

  • The Green Room presents the draft projects that build towards a complete and connected bicycle system.

  • The Gray Room presents the draft projects that build towards a complete and connected pedestrian system.

  • The Blue Room presents an update on transit in Redmond and work the City is pursuing.

  • The White Room provides an opportunity for you to provide general feedback on the information presented in this workshop or other ideas you might have for the transportation system.

Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before May 3, 2020 when the virtual workshop will close.

Get Started

Click "About the Project" tab at the top of the page to get started with the workshop!

What's Next

Following this workshop, the project team will incorporate feedback and work with the advisory committee to finalize the TSP update. In the coming months, the City Council will consider the TSP for adoption. Stay tuned for updates on this process.