Intersections Concept Workshop
Welcome to the Intersection Concept Workshop room.
The purpose of this room is to evaluate potential at-grade and grade-separated intersection concepts at US 97/Lower Bridge Way and other intersections along US 97 to:
- Improve safety
- Improve mobility for US 97 and side streets
- Maintain/improve freight mobility
- Provide safe crossings for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians
While you are here, please:
- Review the example intersection/interchange boards (on the right side of the page)
- Understand the magnitude of costs associated with certain intersection elements
- Print the following documents and draw your recommended intersection configurations:
- Take a picture of your preferred intersection configurations and send a copy to
Key Questions to Consider
What could be a viable intersection improvement at US 97/Lower Bridge Way?
What other intersections need to be enhanced and what improvements are reasonable?
How should pedestrians and bicyclists be accommodated at intersections?
Is the intersection compatible with the long-term corridor alignment for US 97 (e.g., would you invest in a new interchange if the long-term solution calls for a bypass)?