About the Project
Welcome to the About the Project room! Here you will learn about the purpose of the project, the project study area, the project schedule, and other transportation plans and policies that impact the Terrebonne Area.
The Terrebonne community in Deschutes County is bisected by US 97. As US 97 highway traffic volumes have significantly increased in the last 10+ years, side street traffic movements and pedestrian crossings have become more difficult. A critical concern for Terrebonne (Deschutes County) and Crooked River Ranch and Lower Bridge Estates (Jefferson County) residents is the safety and accessibility at the Lower Bridge Way/US 97 intersection.
In addition, Terrebonne residents/ businesses are concerned with providing safe crossings and access to/from US 97, particularly for school children at B and C Avenues. ODOT in partnership with Deschutes and Jefferson counties are beginning this project to plan, design and construct improvements along the US 97 highway corridor through Terrebonne from Lower Bridge Way to NW 10th Street.
The Lower Bridge Way/US 97 intersection, on the north end of Terrebonne, is a primary example of the safety and operational concerns being experienced in the area, notably as it represents a key US 97 access point for Crooked River Ranch and Lower Bridge Estates residents in Jefferson County. Lower Bridge Way between US 97 and 43rd Street is one of the highest volume roads in Deschutes County (with 2016 Average Daily Traffic of 6,525 at US 97), given travel to and from these residential areas in Jefferson County. The intersection with US 97 has been an ongoing concern over the years due to the high speed and volume of traffic on US 97, and the difficulty of making turning movements to/from Lower Bridge Way.
Background document completed to-date can be reviewed at the links below: