About the Project
Welcome to the Yellow Room: About the Project!
The Tillamook County Board of Commissioners established the Tillamook County Transportation District (TCTD) on July 16, 1997 as an ORS 267.510 transportation District. The services provided by TCTD include deviated fixed route and dial-a-ride services within the transit service area, and intercity bus service to Portland. The transit service area is the west portion of the County along the US 101 corridor, and out to communities along the beach such as Oceanside and Pacific City, from the north end of the county to the south end of the county. Service extends outside of Tillamook County to the north to Cannon Beach to connect with the Sunset Empire Transit District (SETD), to the South to Lincoln City to connect with Lincoln County Transit, and to the east to Portland to connect with TriMet, Greyhound, and Amtrak, and to Spirit Mountain and Salem to connect to Yamhill County Transit Service Area (YCTA) and Salem-Keizer Transit (SKT). You can view the service area on a map.
The purpose of the TCTD TDP Update is to develop a program of service improvement alternatives with a series of options to pursue over the 20-year horizon of the plan.