City of Banks Bicycle and Pedestrian Master PlanVirtual Workshop

Existing Plans

Welcome to the Blue Room: Existing Plans!

As part of the planning process, the project team identified and reviewed existing plans and policies that might impact the development of the BPP. The intent of this room is to establish familiarity with existing documents that are of relevance to the BPP and build on what's been established thus far.

The exhibits on the right side of the page summarize the plans of most relevance.If you would prefer to review the full documents, the links are provided below.

Banks Main Street Revitalization Plan (2014)

Banks Park and Recreation Master Plan (2010)

Banks Transportation System Plan (2010)

Council Creek Regional Trail (CCRT) Master Plan (2015)

Tualatin Valley Scenic Bikeway

Salmonberry Trail (Banks to Tillamook) Concept Plan (2014)