Jackson County Transportation System Plan Update - Virtual Public Meeting #2Virtual Workshop

Preferred Alternatives

This section presents the preferred transportation system alternatives for addressing deficiencies identified throughout Jackson County as part of the Transportation System Plan (TSP) update. This section also presents the preferred transportation system alternatives developed as part of several previous planning efforts conducted throughout the County, including the current Jackson County TSP, the Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVMPO) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), several Interchange Area Management Plans (IAMP) both adopted and in-process, and several state and local corridor plans. These alternatives are intended to serve as the baseline for developing a prioritized list of transportation system improvement projects for the Jackson County TSP update.

The exhibits include a combination of maps that illustrate the location of the preferred alternatives and tables that provide brief descriptions of the alternatives shown on the maps. As shown, we are asking participants at the "in-person" public meeting to indicate which improvements should be a low or high priority for the County over the next 20 years by placing a dot on the tables. Please feel free to use the interactive map under Provide Your Comments to indicate priority or simply use the comment box below.