Central Yavapai Active Community Transportation-Unified Plan (ACT-UP) - Online Open House #1Virtual Workshop


Welcome to the online open house for the Central Yavapai Active Community Transportation-Unified Plan (ACT-UP)! This open house provides the opportunity for community members to share their feedback and see the progress on work conducted as part of ACT-UP. Your feedback is vital as it will help us to create a transportation system that meets the needs of everyone in our community.

In each "room" (or tab) located at the top of this page, you will find various information that will collectively support the development of ACT-UP. This is where we need your input. The rooms include:

About the Project: Provides general information on the project, including expected project outcomes.

Existing Conditions: Provides a summary of the technical work conducted to understand existing walking and biking conditions in the Central Yavapai region.

What We’ve Heard From You: Provides a summary of what we heard from the community through our first online survey.

Gaps and Opportunities Assessment: Provides an overview of locations being studied as we develop our recommended walking and biking improvements. (Coming soon!)

Next Steps: This room outlines what is still to come with this project and how you can stay involved.

Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before the Virtual Public Meeting ends on Friday, August 30th.