Central Yavapai Active Community Transportation-Unified Plan (ACT-UP) - Online Open House #1Virtual Workshop

Next Steps

The project team will collect and summarize your feedback to be incorporated into the ACT-UP development process.

Fall/Winter 2024: The project team will develop the ACT-UP and present the draft at another public open house and to receive your feedback.

Stay Informed

Stay up to date by visiting the project website at www.cympo.org/ACTUP to track our progress and be notified when new information is available. You can also follow ACT-UP on Instagram at: CentralYavapai_ActUP

Next Steps

This virtual open house will close on August 30, 2024. The feedback we receive will support the development of the Central Yavapai Active Community Transportation-Unified Plan (ACT-UP).

Thank you for your participation in the ACT-UP Virtual Open House.

When you're done exploring this room and providing feedback, you're done with the workshop! Thanks!