Central Yavapai Active Community Transportation-Unified Plan (ACT-UP) - Online Open House #1Virtual Workshop

What We’ve Heard From You

To better understand the community’s thoughts and opinions regarding active transportation and their preferences for improvements in the region, an online survey was distributed in the winter and spring of 2024. The survey consisted of nine questions concerning travel behavior, existing conditions, and potential improvements. Participants also had an opportunity to use an online map to provide location-specific comments. Following is a summary of responses received.

In an average week, how many days do you use the following modes of transportation?

76% of respondents walk at least a few times a week, while 31% ride a bike at least a few times a week.

Why do you walk or bike?

Almost all respondents (93%) noted that they currently walk or bike for fun, recreation, or exercise. Running errands or shopping (27%) and social trips (24%) were also noted as common walk or bike trips.

How comfortable are you riding a bike?

Almost half of respondents (48%) note that they are uncomfortable riding a bike on roads in traffic.

Is walking and biking safe, convenient, and practical in rural and urban areas?

Most respondents do not believe that walking and biking in either urban and rural environments is a safe, convenient, and practical way to get around.

What prevents you from walking and biking more?

The lack of dedicated bike space and lack of sidewalks in the region are key reasons for not walking and biking; perceived lack of safety was also a key concern.

What types of improvements would you like to see in the region?

Off-street walking and biking paths were favored by 85% of respondents.

Where would you like to walk or bike to?

Results show that biking and walking access to parks and trails is a key need for over 90% of survey respondents. Downtown Prescott is also a popular destination that more than half of respondents (64%) noted they would like to walk or bike to.

Are there any streets that you would like to see improved with walking, biking, or other facilities?

The word cloud below summarizes the most common responses. Key roads highlighted for improvement by multiple individuals include SR-69, SR-89, Gail Gardner Way, Glassford Hill Road, Goodwin Street, Gurley Street, Lakeshore Drive, Thumb Butte Road, Viewpoint Drive, Williamson Valley Road, Willow Creek Road, and Willow Lake Road.