Curry County TSP Update - Virtual Public Meeting #1Virtual Workshop

Roadway System

The exhibits provided to the right illustrate various elements and characteristics of the roadway system in Curry County. The information below provides context to support these exhibits. Clicking the exhibit links will take you to a page to review the material and provide your input. In addition, you may also provide comments directly into this interactive map.

Guiding Questions

  1. Did we miss anything with the inventory or does anything need further clarification?
  2. Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the content?


Roads within Curry County are owned and operated by several jurisdictions: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Curry County (County), the incorporated cities of Brookings, Gold Beach, and Port Orford, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), the United States Forest Service (USFS), and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Each jurisdiction is responsible for determining the functional classification of their roads (see below), defining major design and multimodal features, and approving construction and access permits. Coordination is required among the jurisdictions to ensure that roads are planned, operated, maintained, and improved to safely meet public needs.

Functional Classification

A road’s functional classification establishes its role in the transportation system and reflects desired operational and design characteristics such as right-of-way requirements, design speed, pavement widths, pedestrian and bicycle features, and driveway (access) spacing standards.

Roadway Characteristics

Other important characteristics of the roadway network in the county include pavement conditions, the number of travel lanes, and paved shoulder widths. These current characteristics are illustrated in the exhibits to the right.

Traffic Operations

The traffic conditions illustrated in the exhibit to the right identify how the study intersections selected for the TSP Update operate today during weekday PM peak hour traffic conditions. This timeframe was selected because it generally represents when the system is most congested throughout the day, but other time periods may be more critical in some locations (e.g., near schools).

Traffic Safety

The traffic safety conditions illustrated in the exhibits to the right help to identify potential safety issues throughout the county based on five years of crash data (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2021). The exhibits illustrate the crashes that occurred across the county, at the study intersections, and along select study roadway segments over the five-year period.