Welcome to the Virtual Workshop for the Coos County Area Transit Master Plan!
CCATD has developed this updated Transit Master Plan to help guide their service planning and investments over the next 5-10 years. The draft plan is available for review here. The following pages provide an overview of this plan and an opportunity for you to provide us feedback before this plan is adopted. Please review the areas you are interested in and Weigh In!
Each chapter of the TMP dives into information regarding vision and goals, existing conditions, needs assessment, alternatives development and evaluation criteria, service plan, implementation plan, financial plan, capital plan, management and marketing plan, performance management and monitoring plan and policy and code amendments.
About the Virtual Workshop
Each room of this workshop includes an overview of the chapters of the TMP.
What’s In Each Virtual Workshop Room
Each "room" (the tabs at the top of this page) corresponds to specific sections of the TMP
- Introduction: Learn about the history, project purpose and process and public involvement process
- Vision and Goals: Learn about the policy framework and specific goals
- Baseline Conditions and Needs Assessment: Learn about existing conditions of the transit network and specific needs related goals and policies, transit supportive area needs and needs identified by stakeholders and public input
- Alternatives Development and Evaluation: Learn about the evaluation criteria used to measure progress on CCATD’s goals, policies, and practices; and prioritize future service opportunities
- The Service Plan: Learn about the vision of CCATD, service model and planned service changes
- Implementation Plan: Learn about the short-, mid- and long-term service actions and service changes
- Financial, Capital, Management and Marketing Plan: Learn about the financial assessment component, capital alternatives for existing and future fleet and management and marketing actions
- Weigh In: Tell us your additional feedback for the Transit Master Plan
Provide Your Comments by January 31st
Tell your friends and neighbors about the Virtual Workshop so we can hear from them before it closes on January 31st, 2021.
What’s Next
The project team will share feedback with the CCATD Board on February 8th based on input from the public and release a summary. Check back at www.cooscountytransitmasterplan.com for more information.
Next, the project team will incorporate feedback and work with the CCATD Board to develop an updated version of the plan.
Get Started!
Click the "Introduction" tab at the top of the page to get started.