Service Plan
Based on the sum of all data, public and stakeholder input, and analysis contained in the TMP, the vision and the service plan outlines the main aim of the TMP and future strategies to achieve CCATD’s mission and goals.
The Vision
CCATD provides public transit service through Coos County and connects to other counties and cities. CCATD strives to link people, jobs, and communities conveniently, consistently, and safely to meet the needs of everyone in Coos County. CCATD’s goals are to provide services that are safe, comfortable, and convenient for all riders; to improve access and connections within and between communities in the CCATD service area; to collaborate with public and private partners to maximize services; and to foster public, environmental, and fiscal health through transit investments. This section outlines a long-range plan to help CCATD implement this vision over the next 20 years. The plan includes service and capital plans, an implementation plan, a financial plan, a management plan, and a performance monitoring program.
Service Plan
CCATD implemented a deviated-route service model in 2020 due to budget constraints and decreased demand due to COVID-19. Under deviated-route model, the bus follows a fixed route, but anyone is allowed to request a deviation. A separate ADA paratransit service is not required under this model; however, CCATD will continue to operate some dial-a-ride. Under this model, CCATD is allowed to deny deviation requests once the available capacity (i.e., number of allowed deviations per trip) has been reached. The change to deviated-route service will allow some of the demand to be served by deviating the fixed-route while continuing to serve some of the demand with up to two dial-a-ride vehicles. This model will help CCATD sustain service into the future. CCATD proposes to continue to operate deviated-route service following the pandemic, with the following characteristics:
- Everyone will be eligible to request a deviation of the fixed-route service.
- Maximum deviation distance: ¼ mile from the fixed route.
- Trip purpose priorities for deviations, in descending order: medical, employment, education, nutrition, shopping, recreation, other, same-day medical, same-day non-medical.
- Maximum deviations per trip: To be determined. Each route’s schedule will build in time to accommodate the identified maximum number of deviations without affecting schedule reliability.
The existing and future conditions analyses conducted for this plan have led to short-, mid- and long-term recommendations. Short-term actions (2020–2024) are high-priority actions based on outreach feedback, COVID-19 pandemic response, CCATD budget constraints, and the needs assessment, and have a low cost to implement. Mid-term actions (2025–2030) include recommended changes from the service alternative analysis that are moderate to high priority, and have low to medium costs to implement. Long-term actions (2031–2040) are recommendations that are moderate to high priority and have medium to high costs to implement. Section 6.4, Implementation Plan, provides more details about the recommended changes.
Planned Service Changes (Short Term)
Proposed Route Changes
The Pirate, Bulldog, and Charleston routes in the Bay Area are proposed to operate as deviated routes and have changes in their routing. Some locations will no longer be served directly but will be eligible as deviated stops. The Weekend Express will not be funded in 2021 but improvements to the route will be part of the short-term plan (2020-24) after 2021.
Eliminated Routes
The Timber Express (Coquille/Myrtle Point) and Cranberry Express (Bandon) routes will be eliminated. Service to Coquille and Myrtle Point will be provided by a combination of a new intercity route to Roseburg, a new South County route, and the Powers Stage route. The Cranberry Express has very low ridership and is proposed to instead operate as a new South County route connecting Myrtle Point, Coquille, and Coos Bay/North Bend. Bandon is served by Curry Public Transit.
New Routes
Three new routes, the South County Route and new intercity routes to Roseburg and Florence, are proposed. The Roseburg and Florence routes already have funding for the first year.
Mid-Term Service Plan
Mid-term service enhancements (2025–2030) include providing weekend service, adding a new Bay Area route, and increasing service span and frequencies. These enhancements are moderate to high priority and have low to medium costs to implement.
Long-Term Service Plan
Long-term service enhancements (2031–2040) include enhancements that are moderate to high priority and have medium to high costs to implement. These enhancements include increased frequency, increased dial-a-ride service, and continuation of short-, and mid-term improvements. The figure below illustrates the recommended short-term routes. The table below describes the planned route changes in the CCATD deviated fixed-route model.
The short-term service plan routes exhibit illustrates the recommended short-term routes. The planned route changes exhibit describes the changes in the CCATD deviated fixed-route model.