Plant City Transit StudyVirtual Workshop

Study Overview

The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in partnership with the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART), is conducting a study to evaluate transit alternatives for Plant City. Currently, Plant City does not have public transit options for its nearly 40,000 residents and 17,000 workers. Previous transit service, which included a circulator to serve community trips and a commuter route connecting to Tampa, were cut in 2008 and 2017, respectively, due to budget cuts.

According to the Hillsborough MPO, Plant City is projected to be one of the fastest growing areas of Hillsborough County, by percent of population growth.

This study is the first step towards implementing a public transit network to meet current and future unmet transportation and mobility needs in the study area. The goal of this study is to determine the needs and feasibility of implementing transit services that will allow residents to fulfill their daily needs which include work, medical, educational, shopping, recreational, and emergency travel commitments.

You can find out more information on the project website HERE.There you will find an Existing Conditions & Travel Market Report, Frequently Asked Questions, a summary of previous public engagement activities, and contact information.

Please view the recording of the study overview and then provide your feedback in the survey linked HERE.

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