Welcome to our Virtual Open House for the City of Stayton Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update! In each "room" (or tabs located on the top of this page) you will find information about the current activities to create a comprehensive transportation system plan for Stayton. Each room corresponds to a specific topic:
The Yellow Room gives you information about the plan itself, as well as general information to answer questions like "What is the purpose of a TSP?".
The Green Room presents the draft goals and objectives to ensure that the TSP and recommended projects are in line with the city's vision.
The Blue Room presents the existing conditions and projected future conditions of the Stayton transportation system.
The Orange Room provides an interactive map to share your ideas, thoughts, and concerns regarding transportation issues in Stayton and gives details on how to stay involved with the project.
Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them before Sunday, October 28th, when the virtual open house closes.