City of Bend Central Westside PlanVirtual Workshop

Transit Improvements

Even with the recent improvements, transit needs remain within the Central Westside plan area. The identified preferred land use plan makes this area well poised to implement further transit projects.

Specific projects that are recommended for further evaluation include:

  • Feasibility and location of a transit center: The presence of two higher education facilities, popular retail corridors, and a proposed mixed-use area make the Central Westside a prime candidate to support a secondary transit hub. The feasibility and location of such a center should be further evaluated.
  • Feasibility of transit priority lanes: These lanes should be evaluated particularly along east-west corridors to help improve east-west person capacity into and out of the Central Westside plan area.
  • Enhanced transit stops: Identify locations of potentially high use that would benefit from additional features such as a transit shelters, bicycle storage, expanded platforms/sidewalks, or improved crossings nearby.
  • Improved headways: Identify funding to further improve transit headways (more bus frequency) with the Central Westside Plan area.

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