Pedestrian System
Please review the content below, including the identified gaps and deficiencies of the existing pedestrian system. The information below will provide context to support the exhibits to the right. Each exhibit includes a comment box for you to include your feedback. In addition, you may also provide comments via the interactive map.
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Pedestrian Facilities
Pedestrian facilities in Florence consists of sidewalks, shared-use paths, and off-street trails, as well as marked and unmarked, signalized and unsignalized pedestrian crossings. These facilities provide residents with the ability to travel between residential areas, schools, parks, churches, retail/commercial centers, and other essential destinations by foot. The pedestrian facilities exhibit to the right illustrates the location and type of pedestrian facilities in Florence along with activity centers.
Pedestrian Level of Traffic Stress
Pedestrian level of traffic stress (PLTS) is an analysis methodology used to evaluate the adequacy of streets to accommodate pedestrians travel. A street that is rated PLTS 1 generally has low traffic volumes and travel speeds and has a sidewalk that is separated from vehicle traffic. These streets are generally suitable for all pedestrians, including children. A street that is rated PLTS 4 generally has high traffic volumes and travel speeds and is perceived as unsafe by most adults. Streets rated PLTS 4 also include those with no sidewalks or other pedestrian facilities. PLTS 2 is generally considered to be acceptable by most pedestrians except near schools where PLTS 1 is preferred. The PLTS exhibit to the right illustrates the PLTS analysis results for arterial and collector streets in Florence. As shown, several arterial and collector streets have segments that are rated PLTS 3 and PLTS 4.
Existing Gaps and Deficiencies
Adequate pedestrian facilities, such as continuous sidewalks, marked crossings, and ADA-compliant ramps, should be provided to allow for convenient and safe travel between neighborhoods, activity centers, and essential destinations. The following provides a summary of the existing gaps and deficiencies in the pedestrian system:
- There are several pedestrian ramps throughout the city that are not ADA-compliant and should be brought into compliance.
- There are several major (and minor) intersections that do not provide marked pedestrian crossings.
- There are several arterial and collector streets that currently do not have sidewalks along one or two sides of the roadway.
- Several of the gaps and deficiencies identified above limit connectivity between residential areas and activity centers throughout the city, including schools, parks, and transit stops.