Welcome to the Pleasant Valley Transportation System Plan (TSP) Refinement Virtual Open House! In each "room" (or on each page) you will find information about the project aspects. Each room corresponds to a specific aspect, as noted below.
- The Project Background Room gives you information about the project purpose, study area, and schedule.
- The What We've Learned Room presents the existing conditions, planned improvements, and future conditions of the study area.
- The Goals & Objectives Room provides an opportunity for your input on the goals and objectives of the project.
- The Options to Study Room asks for your ideas on what alternatives we should study for the project area.
- The Next Steps Room provides information on upcoming activities and ways to stay involved.
Looking for higher quality images of the exhibits throughout the workshop? A complete PDF of all the exhibits is available HERE (click this link).
Please tell your friends and neighbors about this site so we can hear from them, too!
This workshop will be available online until March 20, 2018.