Pendleton Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit UpdateVirtual Workshop

About the Project

The City of Pendleton’s Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Update will plan for an active transportation system that makes the use of non-automobile based forms of transportation for local and regional trips safe and pleasant. The City’s most recent Transportation System Plan (TSP) was adopted in 2007 and mainly addressed motorized transportation needs. By updating the transit, bicycle, and pedestrian components of the TSP, the City intends to identify infrastructure, policy, and programming actions that create a safe and efficient environment for these forms of transportation. The Project will result in amendments to the 2007 update including designing for active transportation modes and exploring opportunities for improving and expanding the existing multi-use trail system, expanding transit stops, siting a new transit center, and identifying park-and-ride and/or park-and-pool facilities.


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