Jefferson County TSP - Virtual Open House #2Virtual Workshop

About the Project

What is the Jefferson County Transportation System Plan? The Jefferson County Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a long-range plan that identifies the transportation facilities and services needed to address existing issues and support growth in the County over the next 20 years.

Why is the Jefferson County Transportation System Plan being updated?
The current TSP was adopted in 2007. Since that time, the County has experienced an increase in population, continued economic growth, changes in technology, and changes in funding outlooks. The new TSP will provide:

  • Solutions to address existing and future transportation needs for people driving, riding bikes, walking, using transit, and traveling via air and rail as well as the movement of goods and services
  • A blueprint for future County transportation investments that improve safety for all travelers and that support Regional economic development priorities
  • A tool for coordination with state, regional and local agencies
  • Information to ensure prudent land use and transportation choices
  • Order of magnitude cost estimates for transportation infrastructure investments needed to support economic development and growth, and possible sources of funding for these improvements
  • Function, capacity and location of future roadways, sidewalks, bikeways, transit, and other transportation facilities
  • Potential programs to help improve opportunities to travel by walking, bicycling and riding transit in the future

What will I find in the TSP? The TSP documents the existing and planned transportation system throughout the County. The TSP is structured as follows:

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction Provides a brief overview of the planning context for the TSP.
  • Chapter 2 – Goals and Objectives Establishes the goals and objectives that express the County’s long-range vision for the transportation system.
  • Chapter 3 – Needs Assessment and Evaluation Identifies the transportation system deficiencies and needs and outlines the process used to develop the TSP’s list of planned capital improvements and transportation programs.
  • Chapter 4 – Providing Multimodal Systems Provides an overview of the recommended projects for the multimodal system.
  • Chapter 5 – Transportation Priorities and Projects Summarizes the multimodal projects and the costs estimated for their construction All cost estimates are planning level for programming purposes only. They do not include ROW and will be further refined in project development.
  • Chapter 6 – Transportation Funding and Implementation Summarizes transportation funding and implementation, including estimated revenue, cost of 20-year needs, and potential funding sources.

This TSP covers Jefferson County outside of the of the Madras Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (CTWS) area (tribally owned land), which have their own Plans.

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