Wickiup Junction Refinement PlanVirtual Workshop

Getting Around Locally

The Wickiup Junction business area and U.S. 97 are connected by Rosland Road, Pam Lane, and the north-south frontage road. Potential changes to city streets and intersections could improve both circulation within the business area and U.S. 97 access.

  • Additional turn lanes and changes to traffic controls at the Rosland Road intersection.
  • A southbound left-turn lane at the Pam Lane intersection.
  • Extending Pam Lane south to Tracey Road. (This would require additional right-of-way and coordination with property owners.)
  • An east/west road between the Pam Lane extension and Drafter Road. (This would also require additional right-of-way and coordination with property owners.)
  • A proposed “backage road” (the opposite of “frontage”) north of Pam Lane. (This would require additional right-of-way and coordination with property owners.)

About the North-South Frontage Road

The existing north-south frontage road is crucial for access to local businesses, but it’s narrow and only 40 feet east of the highway. It won’t have room to serve new businesses and still provide safe, convenient access to U.S. 97. The elements listed above and shown in the figure would improve long-term circulation in the business area.

Proposed Local Circulation

local circulation

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