Waldport TSP Update - Open House #2Virtual Workshop

Safe Routes to Schools

This room provides a description of components for a Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) program. We're looking for your input on how much you would support each component of an SRTS program.

There are six components to an SRTS program. For descriptions and example techniques of each component see the information provided below the survey.

Safe Routes to Schools Six Components Descriptions

Provides students and residents with information such as transportation options and the benefits of walking and biking to school. Education strategies programs include identifying who needs to receive the information, what information needs to be shared, and how to convey the messages. Techniques include:
» Educational videos
» Structured skill practice training
» Lessons integrated into classroom subjects
» Media: radio, newspaper articles, and television features

The encouragement component is most closely linked to the education component and includes strategies that generate excitement and interest in walking and biking. This component rewards participation and is used to increase the number of students who walk and bike to school. Techniques include:
» Walking school bus
» Mileage clubs and contests/frequent walker punch card

Identifies design, implementation, operations and maintenance of physical improvements aimed at addressing specific needs which make walking and biking to school safer, more comfortable and convenient. An evaluation of the school environment is necessary to identify engineering problems and solutions. Techniques include:
» Pedestrian and bicycle facilities: crossings, sidewalks, bike lanes, bicycle racks, curb ramps
» Enhanced crosswalks
» Pedestrian and bicyclist signage and signals
» Reduce crossing distance: curb extensions, crossing islands

Reinforces the objectives of the program and deter unsafe traffic behaviors and encourage all road users to obey traffic laws and share the road safely. This component involves a network of community members who promote safe walking, biking, and driving. Techniques include:
» Enforcing no parking in drop-off and pick-up areas
» School safety patrol
» Speed trailers and active monitoring

Assesses which strategies and approaches are successful. Evaluation of SRTS programs ensures that initiatives support equitable outcomes and to improve effectiveness.Techniques include:
» Data collection; surveys, observations
» Information sharing
» Walkability assessment
» Records of citations
» Quizzes

Ensures that program initiatives are benefiting all demographic groups. This component is especially important to ensure safe, healthy, and fair opportunities for all. Techniques include:
» Ensuring activities are available to low-income students and students of color
» Ensuring policy and physical improvements are implemented in low-income communities and communities of color
» Ensuring law enforcement officers build trust with communities and do not target students of color, low-income students, or other community residents
» Initiating efforts that decrease health disparities

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