Molalla Transportation System Plan - Online Community Meeting #2Virtual Workshop

About the Project

The City of Molalla is working with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to update the Molalla Transportation System Plan (TSP). The City wants and needs your input to make this process a success.

What is a Transportation System Plan (TSP)?

A TSP is a long-range planning document that outlines ways to improve the transportation system over the next 20 to 25 years so that people can continue to safely and reliably get to work, school, shopping, and recreation.

Project Management Team

The Project Management Team (PMT) is comprised of City of Molalla and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) staff and the project consultants. The PMT collectively manages the project scope and schedule and ensures a collaborative planning process.

Committee Members

The TSP is guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and a Project Advisory Committee (PAC). The TAC is comprised of public agency staff as well as representatives from the local police department, fire department, and school district. The PAC is comprised of local residents, business owners, city councilors, and others.

Visit the Molalla TSP Website!

For further details about the project, visit the Molalla Transportation System Plan Update website
For further details about what work has been completed thus far to update the Molalla TSP, visit the Project Documents page.
Final Tech Memos 1 through 7 and Draft Tech Memo 8 are all available on the project website.

Get Started!

Click on the exhibits to the right to get started with the virtual community meeting! When you are done exploring this room, move on to the Green Room.