MRMPO RTP DevelopmentVirtual Workshop

About the Project

The Middle Rogue Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a multi-modal transportation plan designed to meet the anticipated 25-year transportation needs within the Middle Rogue Metropolitan Planning Organization (MRMPO) planning area boundary.

What is a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)?

Regional transportation systems have significant and long-term impacts on economic well-being and quality of life. Not only does the transportation system provide for the mobility of people and goods, it also influences patterns of growth and economic activity through accessibility to land. Furthermore, the performance of the transportation system affects public policy concerns such as air quality, environmental resource consumption, social equity, economic development, safety and security.

What area will the RTP cover?

The MRMPO planning area includes the cities of Gold Hill, Grants Pass, Rogue River, and adjacent parts of Josephine and Jackson Counties which are anticipated to become urbanized over the 20 year planning horizon.