Gilliam County TSP - Alternatives AnalysisVirtual Workshop

Tell us what you think!

Next, please provide your comments on the Interactive Comment Map.

After you click on the link for the map, a separate window will appear, displaying an interactive map with the draft projects identified for the County. They are color coded based on whether they are currently ranked as High, Medium, or Low priority.

Next, click on the lines and dots to see a description of the project. Select the priority you believe the project should be placed. You may also select "Remove", if you think the project should not be on the list at all. For each project, you may provide a written comment explaining your recommendation.

If you have additional mapping questions, please contact Ashleigh Griffin at or 541.312.8300. If you would prefer to send written comments instead of using the interactive maps, email Ashleigh Griffin at

Thank you for participating in this Virtual Workshop.

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