Josephine County TSP Update - Virtual Public Meeting #2Virtual Workshop

Freight Plan

The Freight Plan for the Draft Rural Josephine County TSP primarily consists of policies and recommendations for future actions as well as freight improvements projects at key locations. The policies and recommendations are intended to carry out the County's freight-related goals and objectives. The freight plan policies and projects are shown in the following exhibits.

Prefrerred Alternative Freight Routes

The exhibits also show the County's preferred alternative freight routes along with the Oregon Highway Plan (OHP) designated freight routes and National Highway System (NHS) routes. The County’s preferred alternative freight routes are intended to augment and support the OHP and NHS freight routes. The designation of these routes will ensure that the County plans for and provides alternative routes that minimize out-of-direction travel and regulatory restrictions for efficient freight movement. The designation will not impact a roadway’s physical or operational characteristics; however, the County’s Roadway Design Standards will need to be updated following adoption of the TSP to include new standards for facilities with the freight route designation to ensure that the roadways are built to support freight traffic.